Let’s Talk About the Constructability Review Guidelines

How can you think of executing a long and complex task like constructing a building without a proper plan or review? It is extremely important to undergo a constructability review at an early stage.

What is a constructability review?

A Constructability Review is a project management technique to introduce “construction thinking” or “build-ability thinking” into the design phase of the project.

Its purpose is to anticipate and identify challenges to the actual construction of the project before a project moves on from the design phase.

The purpose of constructability review is to ensure that the projects are biddable, cost-efficient, and maintainable. It will save you from any extra investment and will ensure that the project will be completed on time.

To undergo an efficient constructability review you must follow certain guidelines which we will be discussing now.

Constructability review guidelines 

1. Undergo a 360-degree review

It is vital to undergo a 360-degree review instead of focusing on a single area. You need to be aware of all the sectors that come under the umbrella of constructability review.

Only by taking the time to walk through the construction process step by tedious steps will the problems be discovered. Avoid viewing a constructability review as an exercise in flipping through the construction documents with a focus on finding the problems, as the problems will not jump out at you.

2. Don’t forget to maintain all the documents

Documents are of paramount importance while constructing a house or office. You need to collect and maintain all the documents from scratch.

When performing a constructability review on 50%, 75%, or even 90% documents, be cognizant that the design documents are not complete and avoid providing the design team an exhaustive list of things they already know aren't done.

Preliminary reviews should focus on general design approaches, correcting items that have been completed, and identifying the obscure, easy to miss, details.

3. Don’t rush and double-check all the minor details

Such reviews are meant to reduce errors and check the timely completion of the project. And any mistake from you makes your efforts go in vain.

A thorough constructability review will take weeks, even months, but for every hour spent planning a project the hours saved down the road are exponential.

Thorough reviews cannot always be complete and incorporated into the design documents in time forbid, but it is nonetheless important to address the problems early in the project.


There is a widespread misconception that constructability reviews must be completed in time for all solutions to be incorporated into the bidding documents. This belief is absolutely untrue.

Incorporating all of the solutions before bidding would be optimal, but it is not a realistic expectation. Nor should this sequencing concern be a deterrent from performing thorough constructability reviews.

It is still greatly beneficial when problems are identified and resolved shortly after the bidding phase. The sooner problems are identified and resolved, the greater success a project will have.

So, to accomplish such an imperative task efficiently you must follow the above-mentioned constructability review guidelines.


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